Person of Interest S05E12, Reese and Shaw chase Finch, who could bring an end to Samaritan, himself and the Machine when he infiltrates a maximum-security government facility.
Finch takes a wounded Reese to the morgue, where he pays a morgue assistant to suture Reese’s wounds. While Reese is in a wheelchair, Finch rents an apartment for him.
Special Counsel discovers that there is a threat to the Machine, which Finch and Reese are attempting to stop. The Machine gives a number belonging to Ernest Thornhill, a CEO who is buying several payphone companies in New York.
Samaritan decides to bring an end to the hide-and-seek game that it has so far played with The Machine. To bring The Machine out of hiding, Samaritan showcases its strength by eliminating crime in New York City for a whole day
Wanting to unearth Finch’s secrets, Reese watches him as he takes a call. But it’s just a new POI: Henry Peck , an NSA security analyst. Someone is after Peck for unwittingly discovering the existence of the Machine in a security report.
Flashbacks illuminate Finch’s dealing with survivor’s guilt, Reese’s time doing wetwork, Shaw’s former life as a technically excellent surgeon but completely indifferent to the people she helped, and Fusco’s recounting of exacting vigilante justice to a crook that slipped through the system .
Person Of Interest S05E02, According to CBS synopsys, In this episode of Person Of Interest, the machine is reinstall but it target wrong people, and Root and Harold are also targeted by the machine because of previous behaviors.