Detective Wilden is on the case. He thinks Hanna is guilty since her blood type matches the blood found on the anklet. Aria makes a trip to Radley to see if she can get Mona to crack about her possible co-conspirators.

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Aria sees Lucas pounding on the door to get into a photography studio and the girls wonder if perhaps he took the photos at the graveyard.

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Hanna is told by a nurse that Mona has lost her visitation privileges. Maya’s cousin Nate drops by to see Emily at work. Caleb tells Hanna about Mona’s screaming fit when he went to threaten her.

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Lucas starts acting out at school. Melissa is back in town. Veronica tells her daughters that she’s defending Garrett because she knows what it’s like to have a child accused of something they didn’t do.

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Emily struggles to complete a make-up test for English, but Ella completes it and gives her a good grade. Garrett tells Spencer someone has them all fooled, that medical records don’t lie.

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Five months after Mona revealed as ‘A,’ the Liars are drinking at a slumber party, talking about their summer before they begin their senior year of high school.

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Emily chats with her ex Paige and they conclude that they will endeavor a companionship now that she’s out of the storeroom. Spencer understands that “A” wasn’t watching Ali; Ali was viewing “A”

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