Carmilla S01E12, Laura brings us up to date with her investigation and receives some uninvited guests before delving deeper into her suspicions surrounding Carmilla.
Carmilla S01E21: Strategic Planning, Laura and the ladies go back and forth on what to do with Carmilla and in the dark of night a surprise visitor shakes up the status quo.
Mattie lays down the law and explains why The Board has been selling off the Campus to external parties. Just when the squad seems out of the options…they look at Carmilla: she’s got to spy on her sister.
Carmilla S01E25, Laura and Carmilla are telling the harrowing story of the uber-fungus fiasco when Perry and LaFontaine pop by with some new information which Perry isn’t processing too well.
Carmilla S01E32, Laura hasn’t really been herself lately since, ya know, being possessed by the Dean and Carmilla is the only one equipped to deal with it.