Reese, Finch, and Shaw work to save the life of a sailor named Jack Salazar who is inadvertently caught up in a diamond smuggling operation run by a team of Force Recon Marines. Shaw gets used to being a member of the team, although her propensity for violent solutions worries Finch.
The Machine grants both Reese and Root full administrative access and saves Reese and Root from a number of potential threats. Root and Finch arrive at the Hanford nuclear facility where the Machine is kept, followed shortly by Reese and Shaw, Reese, being slowed as the Machine directs him to rescue […]
Special Counsel discovers that there is a threat to the Machine, which Finch and Reese are attempting to stop. The Machine gives a number belonging to Ernest Thornhill, a CEO who is buying several payphone companies in New York.
When a highly decorated doctor named Richard Nelson is poisoned with a fatal dose of radiation, Reese and Finch have just 24 hours to determine the deadly toxin he was given and find the person behind the attack.
Reese monitors Michael Cole’s family where Shaw finds him. Finch calls with a new number, that of Monica Jacobs , a high-ranking employee of a technology company called Rylatech.
The Machine generates the number of watch repairman Lou Mitchell , who is consistently losing large sums of money at a casino. Finch & Reese find out that he and many other elderly gamblers are victims of a drug-money laundering operation headed by the casino’s owner Dario Makris .
After being silent for three days, when the Machine generates numbers of six missing people, Reese, Finch, and Detective Carter realize that they are hunting a serial killer who assumes the identity of his victims.