Supergirl S02E21, The Daxamites dispatch a full intrusion of National City, murdering and capturing regular folks. They likewise assault the DEO, yet Alex and Winn figure out how to get away. Mon-El discovers that he needs to wed Lena so as to join the general population of Earth with Daxam.
In Supergirl S03E01, like Superman in his name of ” Man of Steel”, Supergirl has the same title. Kara have more challenges to face in this episode, Maggie and Alex chase for a crime car, then they is shooted and Supergirl show up to save them.
Supergirl S03E02, Supergirl have to fight to a thief, who are with psychic power attacts to save National City. Maggie and Alex have happy time together.
Supergirl S03E05, Kara and Sam investigate, discovering that all the affected children attended a public pool laced with a chemical which causes the same symptoms, and the manufacturer is owned by Morgan.