Lost Girl S02E22, Bo begins to slip into darkness, but uses the vial of life essence to revive Trick. Kenzi unbinds everyone from Bo to stop her from growing too strong
Lost Girl S03E01, t is three weeks after the defeat of The Garuda and Bo is out of control breaking many Fae laws and going on a rampage through the city. She is arrested by Dyson and sent to jail for her actions.
Lost Girl S03E02, Kenzi attends an art festival and witnesses a friend vanish. Kenzi asks Bo to help her and they discover a den of Alligator Fae led by a Fae named Atticus who appears to threaten to reveal the Fae to the human world.
Lost Girl S03E04, Bo being monogamous with Lauren and chi-feeding from her only is causing problems. Lauren is becoming weaker and Bo is unable to sustain herself sufficiently
Lost Girl S03E06, Lauren discovers that something is changing Bo’s body and replacing it cell by cell. Trick reveals that Bo is facing The Dawning, which is the evolution of Fae.