Person of Interest S05E05, A Polish street gang known as SP-9 kidnaps the son of Samuel Gates a judge known to be tough on crime. In exchange for his son’s safe return, the leader demands that the judge release a banker who is key to their money-laundering operations without any punishment.
Jade and Althea start to chatting with each other, they find it happy to do that. Meantime, Jade also explain to her friend that she and Jade just a friend, because she don’t want to lose her completely.
South of Nowhere S01E05, Asley make local documentary film about how people deal with their first experiences with sex. Meanwhile, Madison and Serry bits of gossip spread around school like wild-fire. Ashley procures her very own little vengeance and demonstrates the Cheer-divas how the amusement is truly played. Spencer’s first sexual experience was bad.
South of Nowhere S03E14, Sean finally accepts Chelsea’s choice to be with Glen. Ashley is apprehensive about having Spencer go off to school existence without her. Finally, Aiden gets into a cruiser mischance.
When the life of one of the doctors at Hope Zion Hospital is at risk, Alex has to put her personal and professional issues aside. Charlie has to deal with the ghost of a ballerina.
As Kara attempts to adjust to existence without her powers, a seismic tremor hits National City. Winn educates Kara that she needs an ascent of adrenalin in her blood to recover her forces.