Tsuyako (2011)
In the aftermath of World War II, Tsuyako, a factory worker and devoted mother, grapples with her past when a former lover resurfaces. As societal expectations clash with her personal desires, Tsuyako faces a poignant dilemma: follow tradition or embrace forbidden love. The film paints a vivid portrait of love’s complexities against the backdrop of […]
Daniela (2017)
Daniela tell a story about Elena, a young, music-loving pianist, meets destiny. Like a meaningful gift, two people, two lives, but a red silk thread has linked them together.
The First Girl I Love (2021)
On the eve of Yuet’s wedding, Nam and Yuet remember the time when they became friends, played together, and became close as lovers.
Girl Picture (2022)
Girl Picture tells story of three young girls at the cusp of womanhood, Mimmi, Rönkkö and Emma, try to defy the persistent winter darkness in Finland by trying to draw their own contours. In the process, they move between dreams, reality, friendship and relationships, and try to make sense of the whole mess. In […]
The Day After (2014)
The Day After The young son come to see the older woman to ask about his mother’s stuff. The older women recover her loss after seeing the memorable picture. they try to get over and become stronger.
So Hard To Forget (2010)
So Hard to Forget 2010 start with Júlia is a professor of English literature who is abandoned by her girlfriend after a relationship that lasted over ten years. Because of the separation, Júlia moves to Rio de Janeiro and lives with her best friend, Hugo , who is […]
Lost Story (2020)
Lost Story , Hemp, an ordinary woman, lives an ordinary life. she meets with the turning point when Pan, her roommate, get a boyfriend. The daily routine of hemp that is already normal changes to be boring. Because Pan takes more time to know her feelings. What will hemp do to restore the lost things? […]