Blue (2002)
Blue (2002 , a Japanese romantic drama directed by Hiroshi Ando based on the manga of the same name by Kiriko Nananan. Blue is about Kayako Kirishima’s a schoolgirl who always feel alone and uneasiness about her future Until a day She make friend with Endo, a same classmate. Kayako is strongly appealed to Endo. […]
Hannah Free (2009)
Hannah Free is a 2009 American lesbian sentiment film, adjusted from Claudia Allen’s play of a similar name and featuring Sharon Gless, Maureen Gallagher, Kelli Strickland, Ann Hagemann, Taylor Miller, and Jax Jackson. Hannah Free , Set generally in a nursing home, 70-something Hannah is kept separate from her deep rooted companion and sweetheart Rachel, […]
Happy (2016)
Happy is about a young girl who is lonely and was determined to take the initiative in her birthday. Happy met a stranger through the dating app, and they had a passionate day.