Reese and Finch work undercover in a hotel to protect a maid named Mira who escaped the war in Kosovo. Mira, who is hiding her true identity, is being followed by a hit squad. She refuses to cooperate with a reporter investigating a Serbian general’s war crimes.
Person of Interest S05E06, Ms Shaw really shows up in this episode of Person Of Interest film, not in simulation mode, But she still n’t escape from Samaritan’s team.
The next number belongs to Adam Saunders , a trader with a Wall Street investment firm. Adam is a high roller: plays big and wins big, is in a relationship with a firm partner, and is in the SEC’s gunsights for suspected illegal trading.
Person of Interest S03E04, Reese and Finch’s next number is that of Vanessa Watkins , a prominent New York prosecutor who is accused of killing her defense attorney husband, Jeremy. The police find a gun with her DNA on it and arrest her.
POI S04E04, The team’s latest numbers belong to siblings Malcolm and Tracie Booker, who stole the drug money from the scene to bail their imprisoned mother out of jail.
Riley Cavanaugh , an enforcer for an Irish mobster, becomes the next number when he betrays his boss and goes on the run with his lover, Annie, whom he was ordered to kill.
In 2010, Harold was working with Dillinger , an ex-Blackwater mercenary who performed the same duties currently performed by Reese. Their current number is Daniel Casey , a hacker who tests computer security systems.