Conceal nationals considering themselves the Children of Liberty watch the lanes, assaulting guiltless outsiders. Supergirl and Manchester Black intercede and pursue them off. Handouts entitled “Nightfall’s Last Gleaming” descend upon them. It is an enemy of outsider proclamation.
In the wake of battling an outsider escapee, Kara meets Alex at the loft to welcome the last’s mom, Eliza, for Thanksgiving, welcoming Winn because of his absence of plans.
A Nazi regime rules the planet where an archer, Dark Arrow, is the Führer, and personally hunts the resistance forces. Dark Arrow seizes a temporal gateway from the Freedom Fighters members.
Supergirl S02E09, Supergirl and Mon-El investigate for the missing of girls, in detail, her name is Izzy. In the last place of tracking Izzy, they drive to another planet, then disappearance what make Alex worry…
Kara and James discuss Lena’s mistrust of Supergirl and keeping secret identities. Tonya, a Coville follower, brings Coville’s personal journal for James to give to Supergirl.
James gets debilitated with being Guardian when he understands that those he helps fear him. The DEO examines a Phorian lady who utilizes her supernatural forces to cause frenzy.
Supergirl is attracted by Manchester Black to Shelley Island, an outsider movement focus and landmark site, where the Children of Liberty confine her and bolt her inside the landmark and set it to explode.