Supergirl S02E14, When Jeremiah Danvers is rescued from Cadmus, Alex and Kara are thrilled to have him back, but Mon-El is suspicious about his sudden return.
Supergirl S03E05, Kara and Sam investigate, discovering that all the affected children attended a public pool laced with a chemical which causes the same symptoms, and the manufacturer is owned by Morgan.
Kara fights an amazing metahuman burglar called Psi, who can bring out her casualties’ most profound feelings of dread, compelling Kara to battle with her recollections of Krypton’s demolition and her blame over Mon-El.
Kara and James discuss Lena’s mistrust of Supergirl and keeping secret identities. Tonya, a Coville follower, brings Coville’s personal journal for James to give to Supergirl.
Samantha wakes up at home with no memory of being in a Kryptonian fortress, but finds she is oddly tired. A mysterious Kryptonian symbol, unknown to Kara, appears throughout National City,
As the earthquakes worsen, Supergirl, Alura, Guardian and the DEO protect National City; Imra and Brainiac 5 return to help. M’yrnn gives J’onn one final memory before merging with the earth to stop the terraforming and the heroes defeat the priestesses.